Family Reunification

Family members of persons living in Switzerland can move to Switzerland under certain circumstances. If family or friends want to visit they might have to apply for a visa depending on the country of origin.

Family Reunification

In principle, there is the possibility of family members (direct relatives or spouses) of people living in Switzerland being able to move here (family reunification, Familiennachzug). Which family members can apply depends on the citizenship and residence status of the applicant. Provisionally admitted foreigners (permit F) can also apply under certain circumstances. The cantonal Office for Migration, Integration and Citizenship (Amt für Migration, Integration und Bürgerrecht) examines the application and informs applicants of necessary documents and procedures. Attention: family reunification must be applied for within a certain period of time. This period of time is shorter for children than it is for adults (e.g. spouses).

Marriage Preparation

People living in Switzerland and wishing to marry a partner who lives abroad can apply for an entry permit for marriage preparation (Vorbereitung der Heirat). This permit allows the partner to enter Switzerland before the marriage and to get married here. The cantonal Office for Migration, Integration and Citizenship (Amt für Migration, Integration und Bürgerrecht) examines the application and informs applicants of necessary documents and procedures.

Entry Visa

For residents of many countries it is not easy to receive an entry visa for Switzerland, for example, in order to visit family. A letter of invitation and/or financial guarantee (Verpflichtungserklärung) issued by the Swiss resident might be necessary. The Swiss representation abroad examines the application and informs applicants of necessary documents and procedures. The Office for Migration, Integration and Citizenship (Amt für Migration, Integration und Bürgerrecht) also provides information.